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south beach diet

Low Fat Diet

What is a Low Fat Diet?
By Meadow Summers

When you consider a low fat diet, it is important to consider this - we all need fat in order to sustain good health. Fat is necessary for our bodies. However, it is the type of fat that we eat that can affect our health in very detrimental ways.

Obesity is an extremely unhealthy state for anybody. Being grossly overweight can not only bring about heart attacks and stroke, but your chances of developing diabetes and cancer soar when you are obese.

A lifestyle change is in order if you are to take back control of your body and your health. One of the things that is vital for improving your situation is to substantially lower your intake of fats that are harmful.

Processed foods are a staple in too many people's diet. These foods are damaging to our health and can contribute to obesity. They contain unhealthy additives such as hydrogenated oils, refined sugars and chemical preservatives.

Hydrogenated oils are dangerous. That is the bottom line. These are trans fats that clog our arteries and lead to heart disease. Refined sugars provide no nutrition. They are empty calories that add to excess weight. They also wreck havoc on insulin levels in the body. It is important to avoid these foods if at all possible. Eliminate these foods and you will benefit your health greatly.

Go back to nature. Here are some tips on how you can do just that:

Cook From Scratch
Remember how grandma used to cook? Everything was made from scratch and she never had a packaged product in her cupboard.

Try cooking from scratch. When you do, you are aware of the ingredients in your meals. Use plenty of fresh, organic vegetables in your cooking and try to eat at least 50% of them raw at each meal (easy to accomplish with salads). When you do cook vegetables, don't overcook them. They should be a little bit crisp in order for them to retain nutrients.

Stay Hydrated
It is vital that we drink enough water. We will keep ourselves hydrated as well as cleansing our kidneys, liver and organs. We should all be drinking at least half of our body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Herbal teas can count toward your total consumption but sugary drinks, sodas and bottled juices do not.

Eat healthy Fats
We already discussed that hydrogenated oils provide harmful fats. Where can we find healthful fats? Eat foods such as avocado, nuts, olive oil and coconut oil. These are all heart healthy fats that our body needs. Also, incorporate omega 3 fatty acids that are present in oily fish, such as salmon. Eat fish a couple of times a week for the most benefit.

Avoid Table Salt - Use Sea Salt
Table salt is detrimental to our health. Sea salt is beneficial. It provides essential minerals that our bodies need. Since it does not contain large amounts of the necessary nutrient, iodine, it is important to take an iodine supplement. Talk to a holistic doctor in order to find out what dosage would be the most healthful for you.

Before attempting any low fat diet regime, check with a health care practitioner. It is important to have monitoring and guidance during the process of weight loss, especially if you have a significant amount to lose.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great. Please visit my website. There you will find lots of total cleanse information and health tips.

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